Frustration of Contract and COVID 19

The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought mass disruption to all aspects of our lives. In the midst of this many questions are arising surrounding contracts signed before the pandemic. Do parents have to continue to pay for daycare when the daycare centre is closed? When do ticket holders have a right to a […]
9 Landlord/Tenant Tips for Realtors in 2019

As a Burlington paralegal practicing Landlord and Tenant Board matters I frequently represent both landlords and tenants at the Landlord and Tenant Board. I have had the pleasure of meeting many Realtors in my practice and at the Pro Dev conference last year. When new landlords have a question about Landlord and Tenant issues […]
15 Things to Consider Before Becoming a Landlord

Thinking about becoming a landlord? At Carr Paralegal we frequently meet landlords who jumped in with both feet without knowing a lot about the legal obligations that come with being a landlord. Here are 15 things to keep in mind when considering becoming a landlord. Before deciding to become a landlord, know the Rights […]
Transferring a Vehicle to a Family Member? Don’t wait in line for a commissioner!

Birthdays As my birthday is in August, I had the adult birthday experience of renewing my licence plate sticker this month. This year was extra special because I also had to renew my driver’s licence and health card. (Weren’t birthday specials more fun when we were kids?). Renewing my licence and health card required a […]
The Rose Coloured Glasses Effect

“Everyone who is here today believes fully and passionately in their case. And they believe that I will also believe in their case as strongly as they do – that I couldn’t possibly feel any other way…I call this the rose coloured glasses effect…I guarantee that at least one party will be disappointed in my […]
Frequently Asked Questions about Commissioners of Oaths

What is a Commissioner of Oaths or Commissioner for Taking Affidavits and why might you need one? By virtue of their office, paralegals licensed under the Law Society of Ontario (LSO) are able to commission documents. This means that paralegals may take affidavits and administer other legal oaths, affirmations, or declarations in accordance with the […]
Travel Consent Letters

Today is the first day of March which means March Break is just around the corner. For many families with kids, March Break is an opportunity to travel – especially down south somewhere warm with no snow in the forecast! International travel requires documentation and planning for everyone, but there are often additional questions and […]
What is a Paralegal?

If you’re not sure exactly what a paralegal is or does, you’re not alone! In this post we aim to answer some common questions about licensed paralegals in Ontario– read on, and if you have more questions send us a note or a comment! The term paralegal has been around for a long time, and […]